An automation is not executed after a successful purchase

If an automation is not being executed after a successful purchase, it is important to check the automation trigger. The trigger for the automation should be set to "Offer is granted" in order for it to work properly.

Option 1 - Wrong setup

Please review the automation settings and ensure that the trigger is set correctly. If it is set to "Product is purchased," the automation is not triggered after the successful sale.

By setting the automation trigger to "Offer is granted," you can ensure that the automation will be executed as intended when a customer successfully purchases the designated Offer.

Option 2 - Contact was already subscribed

The contact was already subscribed to an email sequence or an event and cannot be added 2 times. Unsubscribe this contact form the sequence or event first.

Option 3 - Contact purchased offer before

The offer is not granted because the contact alrerady had the offer. You can check this under Contacts. Revoke access for this offer before you're contact can get or purchase it again. If you want to sell the same offer multiple times - for example when you work with an recurring event - add an automation to your offer: If offer is granted > revoke this (te same) offer.

Note to admins and testers

We see that people try to test their product funnels multiple times with the same email address. This does not work. You will not get log-in details multiple times and you cannot granted an offer that was already granted.

To test you own funnels, you can:

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