What emails does my client receive after a successful sale?

After a successful sale, your client will receive the following emails:

  1. Email from Linktopay: Your client will receive an invoice email from Linktopay, which includes details of the purchase, such as the product name, price, and VAT information.
  2. System welcome email from Kajabi (once): Your client will receive a system-generated welcome email from Kajabi. This email is typically sent only once and provides general information about accessing their account and the purchased product.
  3. Offer automations from Kajabi: Additionally, your client may receive any custom emails or automations that you have set up in Kajabi for the specific offer or product. These emails can include login details, onboarding instructions, or other relevant information related to the purchased product.

These emails ensure that your client receives necessary information and confirmations regarding their purchase, helping to create a smooth and professional buying experience.

Beside this, you will get the following email:

  1. Copy Email from Linktopay: Your client will receive an invoice email from Linktopay, which includes details of the purchase, such as the product name, price, and VAT information.
  2. Email notification from Linktopay to you: As the seller, you will receive a notification email from Linktopay informing you of the sale. This email serves as a record of the transaction.
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