Can I use "one-click upsell" after a successful purchase?

No, we have made the decision not to implement "one-click upsells" in Linktopay. Instead, we offer the option of "two-click upsells." Here's how it works:

After the first payment is successfully made, you can immediately present your customers with a second checkout form containing an irresistible offer. They will need to confirm the payment through their personal bank account again, ensuring complete transparency and no cheating.

One-click upsells are not legally possible without cheating. Officially, the option of "one-click upsells" is not supported with iDeal or BanContact payments. This is because creating a legal contract to debit a customer's bank account requires explicit consent. Simply referring to your terms and conditions is not legally sufficient to support this option.

To illustrate the issue:

  1. Your customer purchases your course and pays with iDeal, BanContact, Sofort, etc.
  2. The system creates a legal contract to debit your customer's bank account based on this first payment. The contract can be used immediately, in the future, or even next year.
  3. As a customer, would you be comfortable with any company storing your payment information and being able to withdraw money from your bank account at any time, without your knowledge? Most likely not.
  4. To resolve the legal contract, you, as the seller, must ask for explicit consent. However, asking for consent in this manner is unlikely to yield positive results. Alternatively, you could proceed without explicit consent, hiding this action in your terms and conditions, which we consider to be unethical and dishonest.
  5. After the first payment, your customer is presented with a one-click upsell. They may click out of curiosity, and the payment is made without any further action required from the customer.
  6. In the background, a SEPA-recurring payment is created, which will be delayed by 4 or 5 days.
  7. Several days later, your customer discovers that money has been deducted from their bank account for something they may not have even wanted. This situation can cause frustration and annoyance.

To ensure a positive customer experience and maintain ethical business practices, we do not support "one-click upsells" that involve hidden payments or violate legal requirements. Our "two-click upsell" option allows you to present additional offers to your customers while maintaining transparency and obtaining their explicit consent for any further payments.

We believe in building trust with your customers and providing them with a fair and transparent purchasing process.

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